Women's Health

Cervical Screening

Cervical screening, or the “smear test”, is a routine health check that identifies potentially harmful cells and changes on the cervix. Cervical screening is not a test for cancer but catching any changes early can reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer. Cervical cancer kills two women every day. Regular screenings can help reduce that number, which is why it’s so important you attend your screening when invited.

All women and people aged 25 to 64 with a cervix should receive a routine screening invite letter every three to five years.  Visit the NHS website here>> for more information about cervical screening and why it's important. 

If you missed your last cervical screening, you do not need to wait for a letter to book an appointment. Please contact us to make an appointment with a member of our Nursing or Health Care team. 

Public Health England and NHS logos, a post it note with Remember to book cervical screening and the words, cervical screening can stop cancer before it starts
The NHS logo and the words, Have you received a breast screening invitation? Please book your appointment when you are invited.  Screening saves lives.

Breast Screening

All women who have reached the age of 50 are offered a breast screening service every three years until the age of 65.  You will have a simple screening x-ray called a mammogram. 

Breast screening is a national programme and is not led by the Practice.  NHS England will routinely send an invite letter to eligible patients, with a telephone number for patients to ring and book an appointment. However please make an immediate appointment to see your GP if you discover any breast lump.

For more information on the NHS breast screening programme including when you'll be invited and who should go, please visit the NHS website by following this link>>

Family Planning and Contraception Services

Contraception services are free and confidential, including to people under 16 as long as they are mature enought to understand the information and decisions involved.  For advice on contraception, including emergency contraception, please contact us and ask to speak to nurse or doctor. 

You can arrange to have a contraceptive coil (Mirena) fitted by us and also the contraceptive implant. Please call our reception team if you are interested. Your can find out more information here about the Mirena coil.

The NHS UK website has a useful contraception guide too.

If you have an urgent issue and this is outside clinic opening hours, please follow this link for details of the Emergency service offered by Sexual Health Dorset>>

You can get impartial help and advice from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service. If you have decided to terminate your pregnancy, you can refer yourself by calling 0300 456 2217 to book an appointment.

Sexual Health

Sexual Health Dorset is a free contraception and sexual health service for all ages, provided by Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust.

They offer a wide range of confidential services, including STI testing, treatment, contraception (including long-acting and emergency), pregnancy testing, PEP, and specialist young people’s services.  For further information visit their website here or call 0300 303 1948

They also offer postal STI testing, treatment and contraception through their digital partner, SH:24.